Article I. Name
The name of the organization is Greater Richmond Relocation Council, hereafter known as GRRC.Article II. Purpose
The GRRC is a non-profit organization with a primary mission of providing a local forum to share information and ideas regarding employee relocation policies and practices for the Greater Richmond marketplace. Through regular meetings and informal contacts, member companies benchmark trends in the relocation industry, disseminate best practices and general information regarding corporate relocation, and help members develop and enhance relocation programs.
Article III. Membership
Section 1: Categories of memberships:
There will be two categories of membership in the organization: Corporate membership and Service membership. Membership categories as follows:
Section 2: Eligibility
- Corporate Membership in the organization shall be open to local and regional corporations and subsidiaries that regularly engaged in the relocation of employees and/or who have a non-commercial interest in relocation and are interested in increasing their knowledge and education in relocation related programs and issues. Corporate Members may have an unlimited number of individuals as members.
- Service membership in the organization shall be open to local, regional and national organizations whose primary business activity is at least 50% relocation-related in any of the following fields:
- Real estate brokerage with established relocation department
- Residential real estate appraising
- Corporate housing for relocating employees
- Residential home building
- Residential mortgage lending
- Closing agents
- Shipment of household goods
- Organizations that consult with corporations on relocation policy development and/or administration; site and/or facility analysis for purposes of office and plant locations; and executive employment/recruiting agencies.
- Organizations providing any type of relocation service directly to relocating employees and/or their employers.
Service Member organizations are limited to two (2) individuals as members.
Section 3: Admission to Membership
Applications for membership shall be made in writing to the Membership Chairperson/Committee, and reviewed and presented to Board for approval.
When a corporation makes application for membership, it will be necessary to provide:
- The names and address of individuals to be Member Representatives who are to receive communications.
Section 4: Termination
The resignation of any member shall be in writing and become effective upon, submission to the Board of Directors. Any dues paid to date beyond such resignation period will not be refundable.
Membership may be revoked by vote of the Board of Directors when a member becomes ninety (90) days delinquent in any financial obligation, engages in activities detrimental to the Greater Richmond Relocation Council, or is otherwise ineligible. President – Membership, will notify member in writing.
Article IV. Finances
Section 1: The Fiscal Year
The fiscal year of the Greater Richmond Relocation Council shall begin January 1 and end on December 31 of the same year.
Section 2: Dues
Annual membership dues are payable in January of each year. New members prior to July 1 shall pay full annual dues or one-half of dues after July 1.
The dues are intended to cover the cost of administration, meetings, and other miscellaneous operating expenses of the GRRC. The Board of Directors sets the amount of dues.
The Board of Directors will pay annual dues according to their membership category. All Corporate members annual dues are $150.00, All Service Provider annual dues are $195.00, dues are subject to increase by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors reserves the right to charge a meeting fee to cover cost of speakers, refreshments, and other miscellaneous costs.
Section 3: Guest Fees
Guests may be allowed if accompanied by a member of the GRRC. The guest fee will be assessed per meeting as required.
Article V. Organization
Section 1
The government of the Organization shall be known as the Board of Directors and shall be authorized to handle all policy matters of the Organization. The Board of Directors shall conduct the business of the Organization during intervals between its meetings, make arrangements for meetings of the Organization, and pass upon all applications for membership. A majority the Board of Directors constitutes a quorum to transact business.
Section 2
The Board of Directors will consist of the offices of Chairman, President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Scholarship Chairman, Planning Chairman, Membership Chairman Programs Chairman and Sponsorship Chairman. The Executive Officers will consist of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Chairman of the Board.
The Board of Directors has the responsibility of overall management of the Council and shall be composed of service providers and corporate members. These members have voting privileges.
Section 3
The Board shall serve three years or until their successors are elected. Any office that becomes vacant before the Annual Meeting shall be filled by appointment of a majority of the Board of Directors. If a Board member is unable to perform their duties as assessed by the majority of the Board, the Board has the right to vote for their termination.
Section 4
Chairman of the Board: The immediate past President shall automatically serve as Chairman. The Chairman will have full voting rights, but primarily serves as an advisor/counselor to the President and the Board. The Chairman of the Board shall also be responsible for the Elections Nominating Committee, which will consist of two other Board members.
Section 5
The President shall be the Chief Executive of the Organization; preside at all meetings of the Organization and of the Board of Directors; shall be an ex officio member of each committee; shall sign for the Organization all contracts or other formal instruments; shall render an annual report to the Board of Directors and/ or to the general membership upon request and shall perform such other duties as are required of the President.
Section 6
Vice President – if in an incomplete term of President, fulfill duties till end of term to the Board of Directors. Care and maintenance of by laws and any other duties assigned by the President. Work in tandem with the Planning and the Programs Committees.
Section 7
The Secretary shall keep a true and correct record of all proceedings of the organization and of the Board of Directors. The Secretary shall notify the members of all meetings, attend to all correspondence, and perform the other duties usually pertaining to that office.
Section 8
The Treasurer shall receive all monies of the Organization and shall keep them on deposit in a bank or banks approved by the Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall make all disbursements. Only current Organization operating expense disbursements may be made without the prior approval of either the Board of Directors or by vote of a majority of the active membership. The Treasurer shall keep a record of all receipts and disbursements and shall render reports showing the financial condition of the organization at the Annual Meeting to the Board of Directors and a written report as requested by the general membership.
Section 9
Membership Chairperson - solicits new members, reviews membership applications, and maintains up-to-date membership list and any other duties assigned by the President.
Section 10
Scholarship Chairperson – solicits schools in selected area for consideration. Sends letters to designated schools and receives scholarship candidates. Provides information to the Board and Steering committees for consideration. Presents funds to recipients at Spring Meeting.
Section 11
Sponsorship Chairperson – solicits sponsors for spring and fall meetings.
Section 12
Planning Chairperson – Responsible for making plans for the spring and fall meetings. Securing location, food, and necessary equipment providing information to secretary for program.
Section 13
Programs Chairman – Responsible for topic selection, program content, and speakers.
Section 14
Special Committees may be formed throughout the course of the business year for the purpose of conducting the council’s activities and will be appointed by the Board of Directors. This includes the right of each Board member to select a committee from the GRRC membership to assist in their responsibilities.
Article VI. Elections
Refer to Article V Section 3 for office terms.
Section 1: Board Elections
At the fall meeting, the President is to make public to the general membership all Board positions that are up for re-election and request applications for those members interested in serving on the board.
Written notification of the open positions and request for applicants is to be sent within 2 weeks after the fall meeting.
Section 2: Elections Nominating Committee
It is the responsibility of the Chairperson and two voluntary Board members to review the qualifications of all applicants and to fully inform the applicants of their responsibilities and commitments if elected to the Board.
The Chairperson will submit all qualified applications to the board.
At the Annual Board meeting, the Board will vote on the candidates.
All current Board members of have the option of running for the same seat or other open positions.
Election of Officers and Directors shall be by ballot of existing board members.
Article VII. Meetings
Section 1: Regular Meetings
Regular meetings of the Organization shall be held twice annually.
Section 2: Special Meetings
Special meetings of the Organizations may be held at the request of any Board member.
Section 3: Annual Meeting
The meeting held in the spring shall be the Annual Meeting.
Section 4: Open Meetings
At the discretion of the Board, meetings may be designated as open. An open meeting provides the opportunity for members, potential members and/or guests to attend.
Article VIII. Parliamentary Rules
The rules contained in Robert’s Rule of Order, Revised, shall govern all cases where they do not conflict with the bylaws of this Organization as interpreted by the Board of Directors.
Article IX. Amendments
These by-laws may be altered, amended at any regular or special meeting of the Organization with the approval of two thirds of the Board Members present, provided; however, written notice of the meeting and of the proposed changes have been mailed to each member of the Organization at least ten days prior to the date of said meeting.
Article X. Logo
Use of the GRRC Logo
Only GRRC members are eligible to incorporate GRRC’s logo into business stationary and promotional materials.
Logo use guidelines:
- The GRRC logo may only be used to indicate membership in the organization
- The GRRC log may not be altered, combined with other symbols or words, or be used in part.
- When using the acronym “GRRC” it should always appear in capital letters.
Amendment 1 to the Greater Richmond Relocation Council By-Laws
Title: Accounting Practices
Date: October 1, 2008
- Contract Signature Authority: The President and Vice President must jointly sign all contracts on behalf of the Greater Richmond Relocation Council.
- Check Signature Authority: The following officers have the authority to sign GRRC bank account checks: Chairman, President, and Treasurer. It is the responsibility of the Treasurer to assure each officer’s signature card is established with the bank. All checks of $500 or greater require two signatures from any combination of the above named officers.
- Budget Reporting: The Treasurer is required to submit for Board approval an annual budget report at the annual meeting.
- Profit & Loss Statement: The Treasurer is required to provide a quarterly report to the board detailing all expenses, revenues and balances (April 1, July 1, October 1 and January 1).