Membership Application

Payment Information

We thank you for your continued support and membership!  The Greater Richmond Relocation Council (GRRC) hosts two meetings per year - in the Spring and in the Fall.  Membership includes access to both of these valuable meetings as well as the social/networking event, which takes place the day before or immediately after each meeting.  You also have the opportunity to submit for Worldwide ERC CRP credits for each meeting you attend.  Your GRRC membership gives you access to all of these opportunities to learn, build your network and enhance your professional development!

Your GRRC continually strives to advance the knowledge, awareness and effectiveness of domestic and global mobility programs through an open forum focused on serving the needs of the Richmond and surrounding area business communities.  Our commitment to technology and innovation in the industry has fueled our efforts to improve and expand the content of our bi-annual meetings.

Our annual membership rates for 2018 will remain the same as last year and they are listed below. 2017 we grew together and we look forward to making the GRRC stronger than ever in 2018!

Please complete the required fields to process your payment online. If you would prefer to make your membership payment with a check, please make the check out to "The Greater Richmond Relocation Council" and mail to the below address.

The 2018 GRRC annual membership dues are as follows:
  • 1st Member:      $265 
  • 2nd Member:    $200 
  • Guest Fee:        $150 per meeting per guest
Cathy Whitener, Treasurer
Greater Richmond Relocation Council
Post Office Box 70190
Richmond, Virginia 23255


(804) 690-1701
