To become a sponsor of the Greater Richmond Relocation Counsel please fill out the form below.
Once completed, you will receive a Paypal invoice that can be paid via credit card.
Sponsorship Application
Example Sponsor
Sponsorship Levels
Your company will be recognized at the podium as an important supporter of the GRRC efforts, your company logo will be prominently displayed throughout the facility, and you will have the opportunity to have your representative give a brief overview of your firm as lunch begins, you can have a table-top exhibit with marketing material in the registration area. Finally, your company logo will be displayed on the GRRC website, and sponsorship signage will prominently display your company name.Scholarship Sponsor
Corporate Benchmarking Session
Limited to one sponsor - Your company will be recognized as the sponsor of the bench marking session. Your representative will have the opportunity to kick-off the session and supply give-aways (pens, pads, etc…) to the corporate attendees. Your company logo will be displayed on the GRRC website, and sponsorship signage will prominently display your company name.Gold
Your company will be recognized at the podium as an important supporter of the GRRC efforts and your company logo will be prominently displayed in sponsorship signage and on the GRRC website.Silver
Your company will be recognized at the podium as an important supporter of the GRRC efforts. Your company logo will be displayed on sponsorship signs and on the GRRC website. To pay by check, please send to following address, check made payable to GRRC:Pay By Check
Greater Richmond Relocation CouncilPost Office Box 70190
Richmond, Virginia 23255